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Penetration Testing Quote: Astra Pentest [Top Factors, Features]

penetration testing quote

Penetration Testing Quote

Generally, a penetration testing quote for web and mobile applications is around $700 to $5000 while penetration testing quotes for cloud and network infrastructure are around $400 to $2000.

Astra Pentest offers a penetration testing quote that is budget-friendly and totally customizable based on one’s needs. Packages usually range from $1,999 to $7,999 per year- 

There are a few factors that affect pentesting prices, they include:

These factors will be further discussed in the coming sections. 


When choosing a penetration testing company to boost your organization’s security by identifying any flaws to take mitigating measures, penetration testing pricing often becomes a deciding factor. 

This article discusses the penetration testing quote of Astra Pentest, the importance of multiple quotes, and also explains the factors that affect the prices offered by different companies. Alongside this, the article details internal and external penetration testing quotes, and lastly, the pricing and other features of Astra Pentest that makes it a top pick for your company’s security. 

Importance of Getting Multiple Penetration Testing Quotes

Pricing offered by 3rd party penetration testing companies vary greatly based on the services offered by them, their experience, and their reputation in the industry as well as based on your requirements. It is there for crucial to do thorough research to find out the company that provides the best penetration testing quote for your requirements. 

Through such dedicated research, one can obtain a penetration testing quote from various penetration testing services. Getting multiple quotes helps you decide between the features offered by a company, their pricing, available customizations, and additional services that you find required. 

Having considered all these factors you can come to a satisfactory decision for your pentesting needs without second guessing or later dissatisfaction. 

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Factors that Affect Penetration Testing Cost

1. Type of Pentest

This refers to the type of assets your organization is looking to get tested. Are you looking for a cloud, network, API, web, or mobile application pentest? 

Based on the assets to be tested and the methodologies to opt (white or black box), the penetration testing quote will vary as the resources and number of people required for it will also change. 

2. Size of the Company

Penetration testing pricing can vary based on the size of the pentesting company, if it is a larger, more experienced, and established company, they may charge more. However, this also provides you with an option to scale up the services. 

Pricing will also vary depending on the size of your company as this determines the manpower and effort to be put in while testing the specified assets. 

3. Scope of Testing

Scope refers to discussing the rules of attack and the pentesting team understanding your requirements. It is also the step during which the assets and the number of assets to be tested are determined and decided on. 

Based on the number of assets to be tested and the motives of the testing (compliance, security, audit) the pricing also changes. This is also where the breadth and depth of a test, refer to the attack surface to be covered and the extensivity of the test. 

Also Read: 10 Best Cyber Security Audit Companies [Features and Services Explained]

4. Additional Services

Does the pentest company offer additional services that your company requires or do you need additional services from the company? Consideration of such services varies from company to company which in turn can influence the penetration testing quote. 

Services may include vetted scans, after-hours testing, rescanning, and more. 

5. Experience of Pentesters

How experienced are the pentesters in the field and what are their qualifications? This also plays a part in determining the penetration testing cost. A more skilled penetration tester with years of experience costs more than an upcoming pentester. 

Penetration testing quote varies based on the experience of pentesters, but if you want reliable results for your tests, it is better to consider the experience over cost.  

Check Out: Why Firewall Penetration Testing is Essential to Your Security Strategy

Types of Penetration Testing Quote

Internal Penetration Testing Quote

Internal penetration testing refers to penetration tests conducted within the organization. With this type of testing the pentesters already have initial access and prior knowledge of the system. 

Since the testing field is more targeted and from the viewpoint of a malicious or disgruntled employee, the scope is smaller. This in turn affects the internal penetration quote and makes it cheaper than an external pentest.  

External Penetration Testing Quote

External penetration testing is the holistic testing process where the pentesters simulate a real-life hacker with no prior knowledge of the systems or their access. Such a test is more extensive and realistic. 

They make use of information found on the networks, and other detected vulnerabilities to exploit and assess the damage to the system from the attack. Such a test is more inclusive thus resulting in a higher external penetration testing quote when compared to internal pentests. 

Also Read: What is Continuous Penetration Testing? The Best Tools You Should Choose

Astra Pentest- Cost And Features

1. Budget-Friendly Packages

One of the major attractions of Astra pentest is its budget-friendly pricing that can be customized based on the needs of your company. It provides network, API, and cloud penetration testing with different plans and features like Basic, Expert, and Elite. 

Web application penetration testing comes in three packages: 

  1. Scanner: $1,999 yearly
  2. Pentest: $5,999 yearly
  3. Enterprise: $ 7,999 yearly. 

Astra’s Pentest is a fully comprehensive version consisting of unlimited scans, vulnerability assessments, and penetration tests. It also includes cloud security review and business logic testing. 

Read more on Penetration Testing Cost on Average

2. Regular Penetration Tests

Astra Pentest provides consistent pentesting options based on organizations’ requirements. It is capable of carrying out more than 3000 tests to detect vulnerabilities.

A detailed scoping is done during which the assets to be tested, the limits of the scope, the timings of the test, and the methodologies to opt for are all decided. Based on the scope, the test is carried out after which a detailed report is generated. 

3. Comprehensive Vulnerability Scanning

Astra provides a powerful comprehensive scanner capable of detecting vulnerabilities based on a large vulnerability database collected from known CVEs, intel, OWASP Top 10, and SANS 25. 

This vulnerability scanner follows the NIST, and OWASP frameworks to ensure a smooth scanning experience. It is also capable of scanning behind logins and detecting any business logic errors that may be hindering your processes and revenue.  

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4. Compliance-Specific Scans

Astra provides a dedicated scanner and dashboard for compliance-specific scans where the user chooses the compliance they wish their websites, networks, APIs, cloud, or mobile applications to be scanned for. 

Once compliance like ISO 27001, SOC2, HIPAA, PCI-DSS, or GDPR is chosen, the scan combs through the asset to find areas of non-compliance. These areas are then shown in the dashboard with detailed remediation measures. A compliance report is also generated. 

5. CI/CD Integration

Astra helps your organization move from DevOps to DevSecOps by aiding your project with its security every step of the way. 

Astra pentest can be integrated into an organization’s CI/CD pipeline. It provides integrations with Slack, JIRA, GitHub, GitLab, and more. 

6. Penetration Testing Certificate

Astra goes a step beyond other pentesting companies by providing their customers with a pentest certificate upon fulfilling three criteria:

  1. Successful completion of a holistic pentest. 
  2. Remediation of found vulnerabilities based on the pentest report
  3. Rescanning to ensure that there are no further vulnerabilities or weaknesses. 

After the completion of the mentioned three steps, the publicly verifiable certificate is given to the company. This can be put on your website to portray your organization’s security-conscious nature, attract more clients and increase trustworthiness. 

Additional Read: Astra Pentest Certificate

7. Detailed Reports

Detailed reports given out by Astra are truly helpful for organizations in terms of remediation and documentation. Astra’s pentest report provides a detailed account of the scope, rules of engagement, and methodologies opted for.

Mainly it lists out the vulnerabilities found with a dedicated section for each vulnerability explaining their CVSS scores, information found through exploitation, its impact on the security system, and remediation measures to patch it.

8. Easy-To-Use Dashboard

Astra boasts an intuitive, easy-to-use dashboard. The vulnerabilities found during the penetration test are displayed on the dashboard in real-time. 

The dashboard allows members to be added to it so that your organization’s development team can work with the pentesting to fix vulnerabilities.  

It also gives a comment box feature under vulnerability so that any doubts or queries can be clarified without delay. 

9. Gap Analysis

Astra provides a gap analysis to those who aren’t sure about which services they require, vulnerability assessments, or penetration tests. 

A gap analysis helps find the gaps in any security system to gain a better understanding of what further steps might be suitable for your organization’s security.  

10. 24*7 Customer Support

Astra’s customer support is provided by seasoned pen-testers who are available to clarify any doubts and queries via email, chatbox, or call. This is made easier with the comment facility within the dashboard itself. 


This article has explained the penetration testing quote for Astra Penest and explained the factors that influence the pricing greatly for a pentest. It has also explained the features provided by Astra to help you understand why it is the best choice for your organization’s penetration testing needs.

How much does it cost to do a pentest?

With Astra Pentest, continuous penetration testing packages cost around $5,999 per year which offers comprehensive scanning, business logic error detection, and ensures zero false positives.

What are the steps in a penetration test?

The steps in a penetration test include reconnaissance, scanning, exploitation, and reporting.

Why are penetration tests performed?

Penetration tests are performed to analyze security to find any vulnerabilities and exploit them to understand the extent of damage that could be caused it in the event of an actual attack. Learn Why Penetration Tests are Important

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