Astra’s Security Seal – Leads to 9.7% Increase in Conversion

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Updated: July 10th, 2024
1 min read
Astra Website Security Seal

When your business is secure, you should flaunt it! Every customer using Astra gets a security seal.  Our customers love to proudly exhibit the security seal on their website.

We did an analysis on a set of websites using Astra’s trust seal on their website. The results show that there has been increase in conversion rate by 9.7% after the implementation of the seal! Using tools like Hotjar, Mixpanel and other analytics we saw that customers hover and click on the seal while browsing the website. The leads who check out the seal feel more confident to make a purchase and add their credit card information the site.

The Trust Seal is found on Astra’a dashboard and adding it to your website is a cake walk

The Key Benefits of Astra’s Security Seal Include:

  1. Shows you are a security conscious company
  2. Your customers feel more confident giving sharing their personal information
  3. Leads to less shopping cart abandonment  
  4. More conversions on the website

Recently we’ve revamped our seal to make it even more dynamic. Now whenever your users hover on the seal, they see that the website is regularly scanned for vulnerabilities, has a firewall and there is regular health checkup. 

Astra Security Trust Seal for Website
This is what your customers see on hovering on the seal

If you’ll like to have a trust seal for yourself, you can start using Astra from here.