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Top 7 Azure Pentesting Tools To Use In 2024

Given the increased reliance on pentests, it is not surprising to know that 52% of organizations want to switch to a new assessment solution and minimize the number of false positives detected. In fact, half of them use commercial pentesting tools, and 72% of them rely solely on open-source pentesting tools. 

In the context of Azure, while various tools are available to scan its resources, others can assist you in conducting penetration testing activities.

This article explores the following topics:

  1. The top seven Azure pentesting tools
  2. The Azure Rules of Engagement (RoE)
  3. The standard tests for pentesting Azure assets.

Top 7 Azure Penetration Testing Tools in 2024

1. Astra Security

Astra Security is a SaaS cybersecurity platform designed to help businesses protect online stores against numerous bothersome exploits and enhance their Azure data security. Its 24/7 active web application firewall enables administration to protect your virtual organization in real time.

The platform effectively blocks IP addresses, spam, and suspicious logins. It also comes with additional features, such as an automated vulnerability scanner and security boosters that ensure 360° protection of your cloud environment.

Recognized as one of the leading Azure pentesting tools in the market,  helps automate the scanning of your applications and systems, removes flagged files, and generates security status reports.

Key features

Automated vulnerability scans

Astra’s scanner conducts unlimited tests, matching vulnerabilities with an extensive database that includes OWASP Top Ten, SANS 25, known CVEs, and more.

User-friendly dashboard

The pentest dashboard is CXO-friendly and facilitates seamless team collaboration for quick vulnerability resolution.

Zero false positives

Astra’s Pentest team ensures zero false positives through meticulous vetting after automated scans.

Compliance checks

Continuous scans comply with HIPAA, PCI-DSS, GDPR, and SOC 2.

Manual pentest

Astra’s thorough manual pentest can identify business logic errors and perform scans behind logins.

Detailed reports

Astra provides comprehensive reports, including proof-of-concept videos, to help organizations swiftly patch vulnerabilities.


Upon completion of the security analysis and remediation, a publicly verifiable certificate is provided, enhancing the company’s credibility and trustworthiness.



Astra Pentest is built by the team of experts that secured Microsoft, Adobe, Facebook, and Buffer

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2. Azucar

Azucar is a versatile open-source Azure pentesting tool available on GitHub. With a focus on Azure environments, it excels in retrieving Azure Active Directory attributes, providing valuable insights into computers, users, groups, contacts, and events.

Additionally, the tool allows users to conduct high-level account searches within a specific Azure Tenant, identifying privileged accounts, classic administrators, and Directory Roles (RBAC). 

Azucar’s multi-threading support ensures efficient data retrieval and analysis, enhancing scanning speed. Moreover, its plugin support offers customization options, enabling seamless integration with other Azure pentesting tools.

With the ability to assess diverse Azure assets, including SQL databases, Storage Accounts, VMs, and more, Azucar emerges as a valuable tool for comprehensive security testing in Azure environments.



3. Powerzure

PowerZure is a PowerShell project designed to manage and administer Azure resources from the command line. The software can be installed on your local machine or accessed in your browser with Azure cloud shell. PowerZure also performs well in exploiting and surveilling Azure and the associated resources, thus providing the use case Azure pentesting tool as well.



4. NetSPI

NetSPI is a leading Azure pentesting tool and attack surface management that offers a comprehensive suite of security solutions.

It provides several services, such as penetration testing, attack surface management, breach, and attack simulation. NetSPI uses a combination of innovative technology and human ingenuity to find, prioritize, and remediate security vulnerabilities rapidly.

Its team of global cybersecurity experts has successfully secured a variety of organizations, from prominent corporations to healthcare companies and retail and eCommerce enterprises.



5. CS-Suite

CS Suite is a powerful one-stop solution for auditing the security posture of AWS, GCP, and Azure infrastructures and systems. It allows users to initiate all tools and audit checks simultaneously, streamlining and simplifying the auditing workflow. It also supports region-independent audits and automatically generates and fetches portable HTML reports.



6. Intruder

Intruder is a user-friendly online vulnerability scanner designed for Azure environments. This tool offers effortless setup and continuous monitoring of your infrastructure, web applications, and APIs.

It continuously monitors the network and triggers vulnerability scans upon detecting changes, unintentionally exposed services, or emerging threats. 

The platform provides concise and actionable results, along with audit-ready reports. It simplifies vulnerability management by prioritizing results for focused remediation and offers 24/7 visibility and control over the attack surface.



7. Acunetix

Acunetix is a trusted Azure penetration testing tool used by over 2,300 companies. It automates application security testing, detecting 7,000+ vulnerabilities, including OWASP Top 10, SQL injections, and XSS.

The tool provides actionable scan results quickly, prioritizing high-risk vulnerabilities and offering remediation guidance. It offers excellent customer support and unlimited scans, making it a reliable choice for Azure security.

With its easy integration into the development process through a flexible API, Acunetix covers various web applications, including complex sites, and ensures no part of the app remains unscanned and vulnerable.



Azure RoE For Penetration Testing

Azure RoE, short for Azure Rules of Engagement, is designed to ensure the security of both Azure and its customers for a successful penetration test by Azure pentesting tools. Following are the rules surrounding it:

1. Prior authorization must be obtained from the customer before pentesting. Failure to do so can result in legal action and termination of the service agreement.

2. The results of penetration tests should not be shared without explicit permission from all stakeholders involved, including the customer and any third-party service providers associated with the tests. Violating this rule can cause severe confidentiality breaches and potential legal repercussions.

3. Penetration testers must take reasonable measures to prevent any unintended damage, disruption of service, or denial of service. Negligence in this regard may lead to financial liabilities and damage to reputation.

4. All penetration testing must be conducted within the scope of the customer’s agreement with Microsoft and the terms of use for Azure services. Non-compliance with these terms may result in penalties, service termination, and potential legal action.

Standard Tests For Pentesting Azure Assets

Penetration testing on Azure assets typically includes authentication checks, authorization checks, and configuration reviews. Authentication tests determine whether user accounts have been configured correctly and securely, while authorization tests assess the level of control each user has over specific assets.

Configuration reviews evaluate how Azure objects such as storage containers, virtual networks, databases, and applications are set up. They ensure Azure’s resources are configured to minimize vulnerabilities and maximize security.

In addition, pentesters should consider external services, such as third-party SaaS apps, identity providers, and CI/CD tools, which connect to Azure resources.

Testing should also extend to patch and mobile device management (MDM) areas. It is essential to understand the attack surface of an environment so that targeted tests developed more accurately reflect potential threats.


While every Azure pentesting tool has its own benefits and shortcomings, the right tool will depend on your organization’s specific requirements, budget, and technical capabilities. Choose an option that delivers penetration testing with minimum false positives, offers compliance checks, has a user-friendly dashboard, and provides detailed reports.

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What is the difference between pentesting and cloud pentesting?

Pentesting typically involves scanning the system, seeking out and fixing potential vulnerabilities, and reporting the findings. Cloud pentesting, on the other hand, follows the same process but specifically targets an environment in the cloud rather than on-premise. These cloud environments could be public, private, or hybrid.

How is testing done in Azure?

Multiple testing tools and services are used to ensure the reliability and performance of applications deployed in penetration testing Azure. For instance, Azure Load Testing simulates high user load and analyzes the response of your applications under peak conditions. Conversely, Azure Pipelines provides a suite of tools for CI/CD, which includes automated testing.

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