Since last few days we have been getting a number of queries on our email/website chat regarding how Astra works with SiteLock & CloudFlare. To answer the question in one line:
Here’s a small explanation of how Astra fits with each of the services above:
- Astra & SiteLock: Since last month or so, we started to get queries which were very unique in nature. These potential customers were asking us: ‘Does Astra firewall really stops attacks?‘, ‘Do we automatically charge their cards?‘ or ‘What is the probability of me getting hacked if I’m using your solution? ‘Our team isn’t used to such queries because we keep customer happiness as our top priority. Why didn’t understand why customers would want to know if we will automatically charge their cards. But then, talking to these people we realized these were customers who were pissed at SiteLock was various reasons which made them ask these questions. So, to sum-up how we work with SiteLock:
- Astra works seamlessly even if you are using SiteLock.
- If you are using some basic/essential plan of SiteLock and want to use Astra for it’s WAF capabilities, it is totally possible to do so.
- The version of SiteLock you get through hosting providers does not interrupt Astra in ensuring security of your website.
- Most importantly, we place customer happiness on the top and can never think of charging our customers without their permission. That is something which is just not in our DNA.
- Astra & CloudFlare: Our own website uses CloudFlare, need we so more? Astra and CloudFlare are complementary solutions. We have a number of customers who are happy CloudFlare and Astra users. CloudFlare is leader in CDN and website optimization space. However, we have seen instances where a few customers of CloudFlare did get hacked and that’s when they started to use Astra. Additionally, Astra has CMS specific customization built which ensure OpenCart, WordPress, Magento, Joomla, Prestashop etc. specific plugins and security. If you want to use CloudFlare and Astra, go ahead it will work out all smooth.
Hope this answers your questions. If you have any more of them, feel free to reach us at: [email protected] or contact us via the chat widget. You can now sign-up for Astra here.